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Alix Paré, Valérie Sueur-Hermel
ID: 16066
Издательство: Prestel

This glorious, authoritative, and unprecedented retrospective of Doré’s prints and paintings, drawn from an oeuvre of more than 10,000 works, comes in a spectacularly ornate package that reflects the artist’s own dramatic style.

If you were a consumer of literature in the nineteenth century, chances are the volumes in your library featured the illustrations of Gustave Doré. From the Bible to Shakespeare, Balzac to Milton, Cervantes to Poe, Doré’s intricate, romantic, and exuberant drawings brought great works to life, and were as treasured as the stories and poetry they depicted. Furthermore, as this magnificent book reveals, he was also a skilled sculptor, painter, and cartoonist. This book spans Doré’s entire career, with chapters dedicated to specific works such as The Divine ComedyDon Quixote, Tennyson’s Idylls of the King, and medieval fairy tales — each featuring exquisite full-page reproductions that allow Doré’s genius for line, shading, and texture to shine through.

The authors also provide a background on the techniques that Doré employed to achieve his exquisite works. Fans of Doré will appreciate this volume’s spectacular production, which features quarter binding, gold foil stamping, embossing on the cover and spine, a belly band, and silkscreen printing on three edges. Filled with incisive analysis and expert historical perspectives, this book is the consummate collector’s item — a volume as expansive and sensational as the artist himself.

About the Authors:

Alix Paré is a lecturer specializing in 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th century Western painting. She held previous positions at the Louvre Museum in Paris and the Château de Versailles, France.

Valérie Sueur-Hermel is curator of the Department of Prints and Photography at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, in Paris, France. She has curated numerous exhibitions such as: Daumier (2008), Gustave Doré (2014), Odilon Redon (2011).

Цена: 3000 грн
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ID: 9485
Издательство: Арт-Родник

The Dore Gallery: Containing Two Hundred and Fifty Beautiful Engravings

Гюстав Доре — выдающийся французский живописец и величайший гравёр, работы которого иллюстрируют наиболее значимые литературные произведения. Доре написал сотни гравюр, которыми восторгались и его современники, и сегодняшние почитатели его художественного наследия.

В альбоме «Галерея Доре» собрано двести пятьдесят лучших гравюр к книгам, среди которых «Потерянный рай» Мильтона, «Божественная комедия» Данте, «Хитроумный идальго Дон Кихот Ламанический», «Волшебные сказки» Перро и даже Библия.

Его работы, с невероятной силой отображающие содержания художественных текстов, славятся своей строгостью, поэтичностью и уникальной масштабностью — почти все гравюры Доре очень объёмны и динамичны.

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Gustave Dore
ID: 8177
Издательство: Dover

One of the great book illustrators of all time, Gustave Doré created richly detailed, brilliantly imaginative scenes of legendary worlds filled with fantastic creatures. This collection of more than ninety illustrations dramatically demonstrates the amazing inventiveness of this remarkable nineteenth-century artist.

His fanciful portrayals of sea serpents, fire-breathing dragons, lost souls suffering endless agonies, and scores of other grotesque images were originally drawn for The Bible, Paradise Lost, Don Quixote, The Divine Comedy, and other great works of literature. An excellent reference and an exceptional supply of royalty-free graphics for use by artists and craftspeople, these magnificent illustrations will delight lovers of fine art and anyone fascinated by creatures of myth and fantasy.

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Gustave Dore
ID: 3188
Издательство: Dover
Complete collection of drawings from the 1872 classic by France's most celebrated graphic. Included are amazingly perceptive sketches of workaday London, busy marketplaces, the Christy Minstrels, thieves gambling, the Devil's Acre in Westminster, flower girls, waifs and strays, a wedding at the Abbey, prisoners in the Newgate exercise yard, and many other scenes.
The London of Dickens and Thackeray as seen by France`s greatest illustrator
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